Gospel Truths

A Christmas Story

Once upon a time there was a beggar who lived in a shack. A beggar whose heart was so dark it could dull the glow of the brightest star in the heavens. He lived in Jerusalem. Perhaps you have heard of His splendor, His servants, His armies, gardens, and trees—every possible trapping and trinket to

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Vote for Your Neighbor

Directly or indirectly, the policies enacted by the elected officials of local, state, and federal governments affect every aspect of our earthly lives, and the lives of our neighbors. Thus, elections provide believers significant, God-given opportunities to love their neighbors on a large scale. Who, then, is our neighbor? Our neighbor works hard to provide

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Hey Creationist, Prove It!

Have you ever been asked by an evolutionist to prove your belief in Creationism? Have you ever been frustrated by the challenge? In a recent response to one of our videos someone confidently proclaimed that Creationism is refuted by two simple words: “prove it.” Done, slam dunk, end of argument. Should we tremble? Do we

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People Know Better

An atheist and agnostic walk into a bakery and observe a large display of baked goods. The atheist says, “A baker does not exist, science and reason prove that a baker does not exist, and no amount of blind faith will make a baker exist.” The agnostic, munching on a cookie sample, says, “No one

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The Limits of Scientists and the Scientific Method

I recently viewed a panel discussion where evolutionists argued that “science” alone should be taught in schools, assuming macro evolution to be an “established fact.” They called their claims “scientific,” while labelling “intelligent design” and “creationism” as “unscientific” and founded on “blind faith.” But, do those proposing time, chance, and macro evolution as the explanation

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Famous Last Words

“Don’t worry, I’m sober enough.” “It’s safe.” “Everybody does it.” “Hey Joe, watch this!” “God would never send anyone to hell.” Of course, the latter may not be someone’s last words, but they will prove to be the most haunting. Hell will be populated with legions who denied its existence. Wishful Thinking People give many

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