Blog Articles

Passing the Buck

“That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one might say, ‘See this, it is new’? Already it has existed for ages which were before us” (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 NAS). […]

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Jacob Goes to School

Having stolen the blessing of Esau by deceiving his father Isaac, Jacob quickly left his home and family to avoid the retribution of his brother. On his way to Haran, he had a dream in which God reaffirmed to him the promises made to Abraham, including a land, descendants as numerous as the dust of

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God Exists and Remains Unchanged by What People Believe

The very thought sounds almost too obvious to mention, yet the issue underlies discussions with unbelievers more than you might think. The importance of communicating this simple truth to people cannot be overstated, because trust in one’s own ability to answer ultimate questions and interpret ultimate reality apart from God’s explanation has terrible, eternal consequences.

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