Blog Articles

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 23): Distinguishing Sign Eight: Gracious Affections Produce a Christ-Like Demeanor

In addition to giving a sense of the beauty of God’s holiness and all that flows from it, the indwelling Holy Spirit conforms us to the character of our Savior. True religious affections “naturally beget and promote such a spirit of love, meekness, quietness, forgiveness and mercy, as appeared in Christ.” [1] The Christian Demeanor […]

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 23): Distinguishing Sign Eight: Gracious Affections Produce a Christ-Like Demeanor Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 22): Distinguishing Sign Seven: Gracious Affections Accompany a Change of Nature

As with all of the previous distinguishing signs of a true work of God, sign seven consists of another effect of the Holy Spirit indwelling the believer, imparting His character to the soul, and giving true spiritual understanding—He transforms our nature. Moreover, the sense that views, comprehends, and loves the beauty of God’s holiness remains

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 22): Distinguishing Sign Seven: Gracious Affections Accompany a Change of Nature Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 21): Distinguishing Sign Six: True Humility Accompanies Gracious Affections

We have seen that gracious affections stand on the excellence of God, that holiness comprises the beauty of the excellence of God and divine things, and that gracious affections arise from the spiritual sense to see, comprehend, and love the beauty of God’s holiness. Moreover, as spiritual sight and understanding of the holy beauty of

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 21): Distinguishing Sign Six: True Humility Accompanies Gracious Affections Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 20): Distinguishing Sign Five: Gracious Affections Accompany Certainty About Divine Things

Thus far we have seen that gracious affections stand on the excellence of God, apart from self-interest, that holiness comprises the beauty of the excellence of God and divine things, and that gracious affections arise from the spiritual sense to see, comprehend, and love the beauty of God’s holiness. In sign five, Edwards asserts that

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 20): Distinguishing Sign Five: Gracious Affections Accompany Certainty About Divine Things Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 19): Distinguishing Sign Four: Gracious Affections Arise from Divine Illumination

In sign two Edwards argued that gracious affections stand on the excellence of God, apart from self-interest. Sign three goes further to show that holiness comprises the beauty of the excellence of God and divine things. “A love to divine things for the beauty and sweetness of their moral excellency, is the first beginning and

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 19): Distinguishing Sign Four: Gracious Affections Arise from Divine Illumination Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 18): Distinguishing Sign Three: Gracious Affections Are Founded on the Beauty of Holiness

In the previous article we examined Edwards’ second distinguishing sign, “the supreme excellency of divine things as they are in themselves,” comprising the “first objective ground of all holy affections.” Sign three goes a step further to show that holiness comprises the beauty of God and divine things. [1] “A love to divine things for

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 18): Distinguishing Sign Three: Gracious Affections Are Founded on the Beauty of Holiness Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 17): Distinguishing Sign Two: Gracious Affections Stand on the Excellence of God, Apart from Self-Interest

Saints love God, Jesus Christ, Scripture, and every work and way of God for their divine excellence. And since “Christian love is the fountain of all gracious affections,” love of God’s infinite greatness constitutes the ultimate foundation and source of true religious affections. Gratitude and a love of present and future benefits of salvation form

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 17): Distinguishing Sign Two: Gracious Affections Stand on the Excellence of God, Apart from Self-Interest Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 16): Distinguishing Sign One: Fruit of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

The first distinguishing sign serves as both a mark of God’s gracious and saving work in a believer and the basis of the remaining eleven signs. The evidence of God’s saving work flows from the stamp of God’s holiness and happiness on the soul by the Holy Spirit taking up permanent residence and imparting His

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 16): Distinguishing Sign One: Fruit of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Read More »

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 15): Distinguishing Signs: Introduction and Qualifications

At long last we come to the twelve “distinguishing signs” or evidences of a true work of God in the heart of a believer. Edwards introduces the section with necessary and helpful qualifications. For instance, having warned his readers against presuming to know the hearts of others with certainty, he seeks to avoid the same

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Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 14): Uncertain Sign Twelve: Moving Affections and Testimonies

Many during the excitement of the Awakening sang God’s praises, said the right things, knew the right doctrines, loved the saints, served God with zeal, joy, and assurance of their eternal destiny, and moved saints to tears with testimonies of God’s grace in their lives. To many, the combination gave undeniable proof of a saving

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 14): Uncertain Sign Twelve: Moving Affections and Testimonies Read More »