Religious Affections

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 3): The Definition of Religious Affections

Edwards begins his argument supporting the centrality and importance of affections to the Christian life with a look at 1 Peter 1:8: “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory.” Written to believers suffering under intense persecution, Edwards […]

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Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 2): Why Edwards Wrote It

Every revival in the church includes an unhappy mixture of good and bad—the fruit of God bringing people to saving faith and a greater love of His excellence, and the fruit of the devil’s deceptions and the corruption in believing and unbelieving hearts. Indeed, “It is no new thing, that much false religion should prevail,

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Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 1): The Glories, Evils, and Confusion of the Great Awakening

Jonathan Edwards’ classic work, The Religious Affections, is likely the greatest book ever written on the nature of the Holy Spirit’s work in the heart of a true believer or the essence of the true Christian life. Thoughtful reflection in its pages reaps the enormous dividends of greater understanding and appreciation of the infinite excellence

Gleanings from The Religious Affections (Part 1): The Glories, Evils, and Confusion of the Great Awakening Read More »

Why Does Power Corrupt?

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”[1] Written in 1887, the words of Lord Acton ring proverbial by the witness of history and experience. On a grand scale, great power does seem to create great tyrants. Even religious authorities and institutions tend to act worse as they amass greater power. On a more

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