God’s existence

Hey Creationist, Prove It!

Have you ever been asked by an evolutionist to prove your belief in Creationism? Have you ever been frustrated by the challenge? In a recent response to one of our videos someone confidently proclaimed that Creationism is refuted by two simple words: “prove it.” Done, slam dunk, end of argument. Should we tremble? Do we […]

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The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 14): “The Problem of Evil” (Part A)

In the previous two articles we examined examples of “definitional disproofs” of God, including: 1) perfection and a man-made definition of imperfect virtue cannot co-exist in God, and 2) a perfect God who deserves complete submission and worship is incompatible with autonomous human moral agency. Of course, no orthodox theologian would disagree with the first

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The Human Limitations of Unreasonable Atheism (Part 1): Biblical Miracles

Imagine yourself sitting in the classroom on the first day of a biology course at a local college when the professor takes his place behind the podium and says, with an air of great authority, “I know everything about everything in the universe and beyond, including everything that could possibly exist.” Imagine again laughing with

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Presuppositions of Faith (3 of 6): The Presumption of Omniscience

The simple question, “How do you know what you claim to know?” easily reveals unreasonable, blind-faith assumptions behind sophisticated arguments of atheism. Gracious use of this question provides the surest way to expose atheism as unreasonable and unscientific. Consider the following dialogue between Mr. C (Christian) and Mr. A (Atheist) [1] and notice how atheists

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